十大电竞游戏综合排名正在建设一个“循环校园” 整体, 以系统为基础的框架,旨在减少排放, 浪费, 和成本, 转变校园消费方式, 增加学生的入学机会和负担能力, 并支持向公正过渡, 可持续发展的经济.
In collaboration with multiple partners Barnard has created a 圆形的校园 framework with five main areas of focus:
图像According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), switching to renewable energy can only reduce our collective greenho使用 gas emissions by 55%. The remaining percentage of emissions comes from the way in which we make, 使用, 并处理产品和食物. Such emissions can be addressed by replacing our linear model of production and consumption with a regenerative model in which materials and products are reclaimed, 修理, and re-introduced into the production of “new” goods. 这些闭环系统被称为“循环经济的解决方案. 这种模式在校园范围内也是成立的: 2016年,我们发现 范围3的排放——来自食物, 购买, 旅行, 和浪费, for example - were responsible for at least 59% of Barnard’s total emissions.
Higher education has an opportunity to accelerate the transition to a just and 循环经济, a vital part of any global response to climate change. Universities and Colleges have a significant capacity to influence behaviors through teaching, 研究, 管理, 购买力. These characteristics create a unique opportunity to develop and test 循环经济 strategies, 特别是在环境正义的背景下.
In light of COVID-19 and the recent events across the country, our community will need to come together to find a way to rebuild sustainably and equitably. We believe that 循环经济 strategies are one way to begin to address and dismantle environmental racism by creating more equitable systems of consumption, on our own campus and in collaboration with our local community.
These three examples represent circularity in different arenas and at different scales. 在一起, they illustrate how a circular framework can be a powerful tool for reducing 浪费 and emissions, 以及解决社区问题, 股本, 和正义.
重用的生态系统: 2020年,十大电竞游戏综合排名开始与 Rheaply, 一个数字点对点内部重用平台, and officially launched on campus in the fall of 2021. Rheaply为教师提供了一个数字平台, 学生, 和工作人员交换物资和材料, and allows the College to track metrics on these exchanges, making the invisible circular ecosystem more measurable.
In the first month of using Rheaply in the fall semester of 2021, 用户数量增加了6倍, from 100 initial 使用rs on boarded during the pilot period to over 600. 今天, Rheaply has 1309 使用rs who have exchanged over 807 items between Barnard’s community members; the total value of these exchanges is $31,000, 和14.3 tons of 浪费 diverted from landfills or incinerators.
Barnard and Rheaply are actively working to extend the Barnard exchange ecosystem to include our neighbors, 包括哥伦比亚大学, 当地社区组织, 以及当地的艺术组织.
To learn more about Rheaply or start exchanging items 点击这里.
设计、建造和解构: In 2020-2021, Barnard launched a major renovation of Altschul Hall, 十大电竞游戏综合排名126,000平方英尺的科学大楼. Redesigning the built-in 1969 building will be a significant step towards decarbonizing campus energy systems and is a necessary step towards net-zero emissions. A circular approach will also significantly reduce the impact of the renovation itself. 根据市场转型研究所的数据, retrofitting can save up to 75% of a construction project's embodied carbon. A project on the scale of Altschul, built with all-new materials, could represent as much as 碳消耗5.2万吨. 给n the scale of the project and the potential savings across all three Scopes, 十大电竞游戏综合排名开发了一套“设计”, 建设, and Deconstruction Guiding Principles” to serve as a sustainability guideline for the project.
循环 & 工资权益: Circular strategies can have significant co-benefits; in addition to reducing emissions, 浪费, 和成本, circular strategies can support access and 股本 goals. To cite one example, the Department of Theater at Barnard began prioritizing and tracking re使用. 这个展览用了大约50%的旧材料, 7美元,000元物料预算, was found to be responsible for the equivalent of emissions from one American home for 6 months. Building the show entirely out of 使用d materials would cut emissions by as much as 75%, 而建造“全新”建筑将使排放量增加一倍. By increasing the percentage of re使用d materials over time (from about 50% in 2016 to 68% in 2019), the department was able to reallocate that money to better compensate those undertaking the labor needed to source 使用d items. Since 2016 the department has raised design fees by 58% and prop artisan compensation by about 70%. The reallocation of funds formerly spent on new materials constituted 60% of the increase. Once the production team began ‘spending money on people, 没有的东西,’ advocating for increased fees and prioritizing the artists involved in circular practices, it became easier to reallocate departmental funding for artist compensation, 这是美国戏剧界的一个重大股权问题.
In partnership with the Morningside Area Alliance and Rheaply, we are expanding our circularity ecosystem to include our neighbors. 共建共享经济, a rich local network of involved organizations allows for more resources to be shared and loaned, 建立联系和恢复力.